Shivaleeka Oberoi, who is known for her film Khuda Hafiz, tied the knot with Drishyam 2 filmmaker Abhishek Pathak recently. After announcing her engagement with him in July 2022, the couple got married in a traditional ceremony in Goa. The wedding was said to be an intimate affair that attended by their close friends, family members and colleagues from the industry. Celebrities such as Ajay Devgn along with Aaman Devgan, Kartik Aaryan, Nushrratt Bharuccha, Vidyut Jammwal, Sunny Singh, Bhushan Kumar, Director Luv Ranjan, Ishita Raj Sharma and many more attended the wedding. Now they took to social media to give everyone a glimpse of their wedding.
Shivaleeka Oberoi and Abhishek Pathak took to Instagram to share a joint post regarding their wedding. The couple shared photographs of the D-day in which they were seen sporting outfits, designed by Manish Malhotra. We hear that the celebrity designed not only created the beautiful red bridal lehenga set but also the contrast white sherwani for the groom along with little customisation to add a modern touch to it.
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Talking about the post, Shivaleeka and Abhishek also shared a sweet message along with lovely photos saying, “You don’t find love, it finds you. It’s got a lot to do with destiny, fate and what’s written in the stars. Last evening 9th Feb 2023, surrounded by our loved ones, we got married in a place where our relationship bloomed. This will forever be the most magical moment of our life! With our hearts full of love and so many memories, we can’t wait to build even more special ones and begin this new journey together. Seeking your love & blessings.” Followed by the post, the couple also received several congratulatory messages and love from the fraternity and followers.
The pre-wedding festivities kick started on February 8 and the ‘pheras’ were held on February 9, which was followed by an after-party.
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