In November 2022, we had announced the first edition of the Bollywood Hungama Style Icons Awards 2023. The event, which will honour some of the most stylish individuals in the world of entertainment, has been creating quite a bit of buzz since its announcement. Following this, we had also revealed that the glittering and star-studded event would happen on March 24, 2023. If that was not all, we also revealed the eminent jury members on the panel of the Bollywood Hungama Style Icons Awards.
Now, we unveil a special website dedicated to the awards itself. A one-stop landmark to know every detail of the award, the site, will feature regular updates of news and details around the Bollywood Hungama Style Icon Awards. From listing the Jury members, to announcing the nominations and eventually the winners the site will also feature images and videos from before, during and after the awards function. The site can be accessed from
The maiden edition of the Bollywood Hungama Style Icons Awards will be presented by Bollywood Hungama, curated and directed by Cinema Waale Film, and Television Productions LLP & produced by Across Media Solutions. A dazzling celebration of glitz, glamour and entertainment shall take place on 24th March 2023 at J W Marriott, Juhu in Mumbai. Known for their innate sense of strong personality and intrinsic élan, the ‘Style Icons’ never fail to put their most stylish foot forward. Not just Bollywood, the award function shall celebrate achievers from diverse walks of life – whether it’s Television, Sports, Business, Fashion, OTT, Culinary World, Regional Cinema and more. With this annual celebration of style, ‘Bollywood Hungama Style Icons’ is going to honour luminaries, who stand as an inspiration for innumerable Indians, across the globe.
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from Bollywood Hungama