Recently, couples in Bollywood shared special posts and moments with their respective partners on social media on Valentine’s Day. This year was really special for Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhatt as it marked their first Valentine’s Day as a married couple and as parents. However, it seems that the actor had to stay away from the family owing to his professional commitments. A video of the Tu Jhoothi Main Makkaar actor has surfaced online where he is seen wishing his wife and daughter Raha whilst performing at a concert.
Fan clubs of Ranbir Kapoor have shared videos from his recent concert performance at Galgotias University in Uttar Pradesh on Instagram and it has definitely won hearts. In one of the videos posted by them, Ranbir was seen taking the mic as he said, “Firstly I would like to wish my two loves a very Happy Valentine’s Day – my wife Alia (Bhatt) and my beautiful daughter Raha. I love you girls. I miss you.” The actor seems to be busy with the promotions of his forthcoming Luv Ranjan film Tu Jhoothi Main Makkaar.
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Besides this, several other videos from the performances also went viral on the platform. The actor was seen interacting with the students and teenagers during this promotional event wherein he also performed on multiple songs like ‘Badtameez Dil’, ‘Balam Pichkari’ (Yeh Jawaani Hai Deewani) and he was also seen dancing on his late father Rishi Kapoor’s evergreen chartbusters like ‘Shanti Om’ (Karz).
On the work front, talking about his next film Tu Jhoothi Main Makkaar, it will bring Ranbir together with Shraddha Kapoor for the first time. During an event earlier, the actor had also confessed that this will be his last rom-com and that he shouldn’t be opting for rom-coms anymore because of his age. The film is expected to release on March 8, 2023.
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