With the Oscar win, Ram Charan and Jr NTR have become global personalities. The 95th Academy Awards is over, but the ‘Naatu Naatu’ fever is not. While people across the globe are celebrating the big win, actor Ram Charan is geared up to resume the Hyderabad schedule of his upcoming film, RC 15. As Ram reported to the set, the RC 15 team and director-choreographer Prabhu Deva warmly welcomed him by dancing on the RRR track.
For the unversed, on Sunday, Ram Charan took to his verified social media handle and shared a video. The video featured the entire crew of RC 15, led by Prabhu Deva, replicating the hookstep of ‘Naatu Naatu’. Later, the video montage also had a clip, in which Ram can be seen in a huge garland. Instagramming the video, he wrote, “Can’t thank you all enough for such a warm welcome,” followed by a folded hands emoticon.
The 37-year-old actor also expressed his gratitude and added, “Our Grand master @prabhudevaofficial sir thank you for the sweet surprise,” along with a red-heart emoticon. Concluding his caption, he wrote, “Feels great to be back at shoot,” and hashtagged RC 15. Reacting to the post, many from his followers flooded the comments section with fire emojis. Meanwhile, American dancer and actress Lauren Gottlieb commented, “Wow!!! Epic.” On the other hand, a section of fans expressed their excitement for Ram’s forthcoming film.
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After attending the 95th Academy Award, held on March 12 in Los Angeles, Ram Charan returned to India on Friday night. ‘Naatu Naatu’ won an Oscar in the Original Song category. In his acceptance speech, composer MM Keeravani said, “I grew up listening to the Carpenters and now here I am with the Oscars,” and sang the melody of the 70s pop hit ‘Top Of The World’ with his own version of the lyrics: “There was only one wish on my mind. … RRR has to win, pride of every Indian, and must put me on the top of the world.”
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