Malayalam superstar Mohanlal owns over half a dozen luxury cars and is continuing to add a few more to his collection. The actor recently purchased a new luxury SUV. As per the reports, he bought a white Range Rover SUV and the photos and videos of the same have gone viral on social media.
The actor was seen posing with the car. He received the key and his wife was also in attendance to bring home the new SUV. The reported price of the car is a whopping Rs. 4 crore. He took the car for a spin with his wife. Photos and videos were shared by fan clubs on social media.
????@Mohanlal #RangeRover #Mohanlal
— Mohanlal Fans Club (@MohanlalMFC) April 10, 2023
On the Roads #Mohanlal @Mohanlal
— Mohanlal Fans Club (@MohanlalMFC) April 10, 2023
????@Mohanlal #RangeRover
— Mohanlal Fans Club (@MohanlalMFC) April 10, 2023
????@Mohanlal #Mohanlal
— Mohanlal Fans Club (@MohanlalMFC) April 10, 2023
Mohanlal has an array of cars including a Toyota Vellfire worth Rs. 90 lakh, a Toyota Land Cruiser worth Rs. 1.36 crore, a Lamborghini Urus, and a Mercedes Benz GL350 worth Rs. 78 lakh.
On the work front, Mohanlal is currently busy with the shoot for Malaikottai Vaaliban. The actor also has an array of line-up including Prithviraj Sukumar’s Empuraan and his directorial venture, Barroz.
ALSO READ: Rajinikanth and Mohanlal bump into each other in Jaisalmer and their photo goes viral
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