Earlier in March this year, Sushmita Sen had undergone a heart surgery. On March 2, the actress and former Miss Universe took to social media to share the news with her 6.9 million followers on Instagram. Alongside a picture with her father Subir Sen, Sushmita recalled his wise words, and quoted him, “Keep your heart happy and courageous and it’ll stand by you when you need it the most, Shona.” Recently, her brother, now almost two months after the incident, her brother and model Rajeev Sen has shared an update about Sushmita Sen’s health.
While speaking to ETime exclusively, Rajeev asserted, “She’s absolutely fine now with the blessings of God. What happened was quite unfortunate, health is something which is quite unpredictable, things can happen. But touchwood she’s doing much better, she’s back to work.”
He further added, “She is mentally very strong, physically too. You need to be… It’s never easy to manage two kids and to be an actor at the same time.” He further stated that Sushmita is a person with an immense personality and has always been the backbone of the Sen family.
Well, ever since Sushmita broke the news, she has been constantly keeping her fans updated with her whereabouts. For instance, days after it was revealed it was a “massive heart attack” and she had a 95% blockage in one of her main arteries. “I survived because I have kept an active lifestyle. I am very lucky to be on the other side. It doesn’t put fear in me, instead, I now have a feeling of promise to look forward to something,” said the actress.
On the professional front, Sen has a bunch of projects in her kitty including the third season of her popular web-series Aarya. Besides this, she will also essay the role of a transgender in an upcoming web-show Taali.
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