It was yet another excellent week for The Kerala Story as more than Rs. 40 crores came in. In the post pandemic times when some of the biggest films have failed to collect this much in their first week during last 20 odd months, here comes The Kerala Story which goes past Rs. 80 crores in the first week, Rs. 90 crores in the second week and then Rs. 40 crores in the third week, hence falling by only around 50% when compared to the first week.
The film did have a bit of a fall on Monday and then subsequently on Tuesday too. In fact, the ‘fall’ word is also coming in since otherwise the film has been ultra stable ever since release and has, in fact, even seen better numbers than the day before in various occasions. Hence, in case of this Vipul Shah production when less than standard drop is coming in in day-by-day basis, it’s being said as a fall since one is not used to it in case of this film. Otherwise, in absolute numbers the film is doing very well as Wednesday was ultra stable when compared to Tuesday and now Thursday has been good as well at Rs. 3.10 crores.
The Adah Sharma starrer has now collected Rs. 213.47 crores and it needs only around Rs. 12 crores more to come between today and Sunday for Rs. 225 crores milestone be accomplished. This would be the last big milestone though for the film since Rs. 250 crores is now out of reach. That said, it will go past the lifetime score of several biggies from past and present and for a film that has been made at very controlled costs, it has turned out to be a lottery for those who have invested in it.
Note: All collections as per production and distribution sources
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