Asin Thottumkal, who is not quite active on Instagram, does share some iconic moments on the platform from time to time. The actress generally shares photos with her family, pictures of festivity as well as some glimpses of her daughter Arin. However, recently, she left many surprised when she decided to do away with her photos with her business tycoon husband Rahul Sharma. This further lead to many of them speculating that the actress’ marriage may be on the rocks. However, the actress took to social media to clarify on the same.
The social media account of Asin Thottumkal currently only comprises of a few tributes, throwback memories from her film days as well as some photos of her daughter Arin. In fact, the actress’ account does not even include any photos or videos from her wedding. Some fans pointed out that the actress has only retained one photo with Rahul, which is a part of the tribute post shared by the actress for Rishi Kapoor, at the time of his demise. While the rumours of her divorce started doing the rounds, the actress took to her social media platform to put these rumours to rest.
In a post shared by the actress on her Instagram story, she revealed that she is currently on a vacation with her husband and her daughter. She said, “In the middle of our summer holiday right now, literally sitting across each other enjoying our breakfast and came across some very imaginative and utterly baseless ‘NEWS’. Reminds of the time we were sitting at home together with our families planning our wedding and we heard that we had broken up Seriously?! Pls do better. (Disappointed to have wasted 5mins of an otherwise wonderful holiday on this!) Have a great day you guys.”
While many fans speculated about the couple getting separated, a fan page of the actress too came in support of her and addressed these rumours. According to the social media account, the actress has been sharing and deleting posts for quite some time now and that she had deleted posts with Rahul Sharma in February.
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