It is known that Vijay Deverakonda and Parasuram are going to do a film together and this was officially announced a few days ago. While Dil Raju and Sirish are the producers, Vasu Varma is the creative producer of the film. Vijay and Parasuram joining hands once again after blockbuster hits like Geetha Govindam, and Sarkaru Vaari Paata has raised expectations for the film already. Their second film together was grandly launched in Hyderabad today.
Producer Shyam Prasad Reddy was given the clap, while Govardhan Rao Deverakonda directed the first shot, and popular financier Satti Rangaiah switched on the camera. The film is currently in the pre-production stage and the shooting is going to start soon.
Vijay Deverakonda has joined hands with producers Dil Raju and Shirish for the first time through this film. This is Production no 54 of Sri Venkateshwara creations. This #VD13 Will be made under a huge budget. The rest of the details will be announced soon.
Speaking of Mrunal Thakur, known for her remarkable performances in projects like Super 30 alongside Hrithik Roshan, began her journey in the entertainment industry through Hindi television. She has since garnered praise and recognition for her acting skills and versatility. Last year, Mrunal made her debut in the South Indian film industry with Sita Ramam, featuring Dulquer Salmaan. Her performance in the film received accolades from both critics and audiences, further establishing her as a talent to watch out for.
As fans eagerly await further updates and an official confirmation from the film’s production team, the prospect of Vijay Deverakonda and Mrunal Thakur sharing the screen holds immense promise.
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