Earlier this week, Dharmendra penned a special apology note to Hema Malini and their daughters Esha Deol and Ahana Deol after they were missing from the wedding of Karan Deol with Drisha Acharya. While many from the industry attended the lavish affair, which was held in Mumbai, Hema and daughters remained conspicuous with their absence. Later, the Dhoom actress took to social media to wish the newlyweds which further led to fans questioning her absence.
Followed by the apology note written by Dharmendra on social media, Esha Deol has now taken to the platform to respond to her father’s post in the sweetest way. Sharing a special moment from her wedding with entrepreneur Bharat Takhtani, Esha Deol posted a picture of her sitting on Dharmendra’s lap as a bride along with the groom and her mother, yesteryear star Hema Malini standing by their side. In the caption note, she wrote, “Love you papa . You are the best. Love you unconditionally & you know that . Cheer up & always be happy & healthy. Love u”.
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For the unversed, even though, Esha Deol has maintained that she shares a cordial relationship with Sunny Deol and Bobby Deol, sons of Dharmendra with his first wife Prakash Kaur, the two families have always stayed apart when it comes to celebrations. While Sunny and Bobby did not attend the wedding of Esha or Ahana, recently the Deol girls stayed away from the wedding of Karan Deol, who is the son of Sunny Deol and Pooja Deol.
Karan Deol, who made his Bollywood debut in 2019 with Pal Pal Dil Ke Paas, tied the knot with his childhood sweetheart Drisha Acharya on June 18.
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