Gufi Paintal, renowned for his portrayal of Shakuni Mama in the legendary show, sadly passed away in Mumbai on Monday at the age of 79, succumbing to age-related health issues. Ever since the news broke, the internet has been flooded with condolence messages. Among many others, his Mahabharat co-star Mukesh Khanna, who played Bhishm Pitamah in the television series, also paid a heartfelt tribute while remembering him.
During a conversation with ETimes, Khanna asserted, “He was the networking pillar in the BR Chopra camp. He was the one who got all of us together for Mahabharat and got us to work. He was the person behind casting Mahabharat actors and all the screen tests.”
The Shaktimaan actor went on to say that Gufi Paintal was not well for the last six months and he had messaged him a lot of times. Recalling the same, he said, “He replied to me saying he is not well. I wished him to get better. When I spoke to him last around 20 days or a month ago, when he was conscious, he was not well. He was not keeping well for the last six months.”
For the unversed, Gufi Paintal began his acting career in the mid-1970s with supporting roles in Hindi movies. His iconic negative character in Mahabharat, which aired from 1988 to 1990, garnered immense popularity. In recent years, he reprised the role of Shakuni Mama in the play Mahabharat – The Epic Tale, produced by Puneet Issar, who played Duryodhan in the original show. Gufi Paintal’s portrayal of Shakuni Mama remains an everlasting part of his legacy.
Also Read: Gufi Paintal, known as Shakuni Mama of Mahabharat, passes away at 79
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