Actress Priyanka Chopra Jonas, global brand ambassador for Bulgari, recently embarked on a trip to Rome to inaugurate a Bulgari hotel, accompanied by fellow actor Zendaya. Priyanka stole the limelight at the special event, donning an exquisite silk crepe dress with her hair styled into charming pigtails. Delighting her fans, Priyanka Chopra took to social media to share a collection of captivating snapshots from her time in Italy, creating an “Italia photo dump.”
On Saturday, Priyanka took to her Instagram account and shared a series of pictures from her trip to Rome. The first frame featured Priyanka alongside her manager, Anjula Acharia, capturing a memorable moment during their visit. Subsequent pictures showcased Priyanka posing with her “best team ever,” highlighting the camaraderie and support she enjoyed during the trip. As her Rome escapade came to an end, Priyanka bid farewell while relishing a slice of pizza on her flight back, providing a glimpse into her enjoyable culinary experience. Sharing the pictures, she wrote in caption, “Italia photo dump ????????
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On the work front, Priyanka Chopra was last seen in the Russo Brothers’ Citadel. It premiered on Prime Video on April 28, 2023 and is also renewed for part 2. The actress was seen alongside Richard Madden in the series. Citadel is a web series created by The Russo Brothers. It features Priyanka as Nadia Sinh and Richard Madden as Mason Kane. Apart from Citadel, PeeCee was also seen in Love Again. Back in Bollywood, the actress will be sharing screen space with Alia Bhatt and Katrina Kaif in Jee Le Zaraa. The film will be directed by Farhan Akhtar, and he might star in the film as well. Priyanka Chopra has now announced her next film titled Heads Of State, co-starring John Cena and Idris Elba.
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