Neetu Kapoor, who has returned to acting with Jugjugg Jeeyo, turned a year older on July 8. Keeping her celebrations low-key, the veteran actress celebrated her birthday festivities with her daughter Riddhima Kapoor Sahani, son-in-law Bharat Sahani, son Ranbir Kapoor, and granddaughter Samaira Sahani. While the actress rang in her birthday in the picturesque Italy, missing the celebrations was Alia Bhatt and Raha, who is busy in India with the promotions of Rocky Aur Rani Kii Prem Kahaani. A recently surfaced photo of Ranbir and Samara from their Italy trip is creating a buzz on social media.
Riddhima and her spouse Bharat have been providing glimpses of their trip to Italy through their Instagram posts. They shared delightful moments from Neetu’s birthday celebration, which involved close friends and family. The Kapoor family enjoyed a lunch outing with a scenic backdrop. Meanwhile, Bharat posted a picture of Ranbir and Samara enjoying a swim in the azure waters. The snapshot captured Samara relishing a sunny day in the pool, with Ranbir standing by her side. Going shirtless, Ranbir sported pants, a cap, and stylish sunglasses, exuding a charming and cool vibe as a doting father.
Ranbir Kapoor’s fan pages were quick to pick and share the photo. Fans couldn’t stop gushing over his shirtless pic. A user commented, “Hottest actor,” while another fan wrote, “Increasing the temperature.”
On Saturday, Riddhima also posted a picture featuring herself, Ranbir Kapoor and Neetu Kapoor. Sharing the picture, she wrote in caption, “Just the “Three” of us building castles in the sky #portofino.”
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On the other hand, Ranbir Kapoor was last seen in Tu Jhoothi Main Makkaar alongside Shraddha Kapoor. The film was directed by Luv Ranjan, produced by Luv Films’, Luv Ranjan and Ankur Garg, and presented by T- Series’ Bhushan Kumar. TJMM received rave reviews and did well at the box office. Ranbir also has Animal in the pipeline alongside Rashmika Mandanna. Helmed by Sandeep Reddy Vanga, the film also features Anil Kapoor, Bobby Deol, and Tripti Dimri.
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