Rakul Preet Singh and Jackky Bhagnani, who are expected to tie the knot next week, have expected to kick off their celebrations, a week prior. While their pre-wedding functions in Goa will start next week, the groom hosted other functions at his palatial residence Puja Casa on Thursday. On the eve of February 15, we saw the bride-to-be making a grand entrance and the video has already garnered ample love on social media.
A paparazzo account, on Thursday night, posted a video of Rakul Preet Singh entering Puja Casa in her luxury car, dressed up in ethnic lehenga and diamond jewellery. From what we hear, Jackky Bhagnani and family hosted a ‘dhol night’ for friends, family, and close ones as a way of kick starting their wedding celebrations in Mumbai. The grand multi-storey building was adorned with lights and we hear that the entire Singh family was seen spending quality time and thoroughly enjoyed themselves through the night at the Bhagnani residence.
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Speaking of their impending wedding, Jackky and Rakul are expected to tie the knot in ITC Grand Resort, Arossim in Goa. Speaking of their unique eco-friendly wedding, a source was quoted giving out details about the same, saying, “The couple and their family have sent no physical invites. Also, no crackers will be burst at any point. These people will measure the carbon footprint generated during this couple’s wedding ceremonies. They will then tell them how many trees are needed to be planted, in accordance with the footprint. It’s a unique step taken definitely. The couple will themselves plant it, either immediately after the marriage ceremony or the following day.”
Rakul Preet Singh and Jackky Bhagnani will be tying the knot in Goa on February 21 amid the presence of friends, family, and close ones.
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