Karan Johar, who directed Ae Dil Hai Mushkil in 2016, has been recalling memories associated with the film in his recent social media post. On May 10, after taking to the platform to share behind-the-scene photo from the sets of Kabhi Alvida Na Kehna, Karan decided to take another walk down memory lane as he posted memories, aka BTS photos from the sets of the Ranbir Kapoor, Anushka Sharma, and Aishwarya Rai Bachchan starrer. Along with the post, he also penned an emotional note describing the reasons behind the film being special.
Along with sharing key moments from the sets of Ae Dil Hai Mushkil, Karan Johar wrote in his post, “Ae Dil hai Mushkil will always be personal to me… It was all my life learnings about falling in love, dealing with unrequited love and also how resilient we can be even when the heartbreak feels so final… The experience of filming ADHM was one of my best on set experiences ..”
He further went on to describe his experience of working with the cast including Ranbir Kapoor, Aishwarya Rai Bachchan, and Anushka Sharma, and added, “I got to know and understand “the Ranbir process” and deeply respect it…. He never let his homework or his hard work apparent to anyone … I got to know and love him as a person and appreciate his detachment from stardom or movie star trappings… his child like portrayal of a broken hearted lover went beyond the written word… Anushka and him were such a treat to direct … they have mutual friendship and respect which transcended from personal to celluloid perfectly! Anushka is pure hearted and that always come through on screen..I always wanted to direct Aishwarya and she gave Saba so much dignity , poise and beauty ! Will always be immensely grateful to her for accepting to play the part instantly and with so much love and team spirit ..I look back at the days of filming ADHM with a big smile and a cathartic heart … the music will live on and I can take no credit from the magic and genius of Dada and Amitabh … Is film ke zikar ka zubaan pe swaad rakhna.”
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Ae Dil Hai Mushkil also stars Fawad Khan in a key role along with Shah Rukh Khan, Lisa Haydon, Imran Abbas, and also Alia Bhatt in a cameo. The film released in theatres worldwide on October 28.
The post Karan Johar shares throwback BTS photos from the sets of Ranbir Kapoor starrer Ae Dil Hai Mushkil; says, “It was all my life learnings about falling in love” appeared first on Bollywood Hungama.
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