Bollywood star Ranveer Singh took to social media to celebrate a special moment with his fans a day after the Lok Sabha Elections 2024 voting in Mumbai. The actor proudly shared a photo of his 93-year-old maternal grandfather, affectionately known as “Nana,” who braved the heat to cast his vote.
In his heartfelt post, Ranveer wrote, “93yrs old. 93°F outside. But he voted. He’s a voter! My Rockstar Nana / #EveryVoteCounts.” The picture shows Ranveer’s grandfather posing with a police officer outside a polling booth, capturing a moment of civic pride and determination.
The post quickly garnered attention, with fans and celebrities alike flooding the comments section. Notable comments included playful remarks such as “I thought it was Ranveer himself in disguise,” and “It’s really Rocky Randhawa at 93. Mark my words.” Actor Gulshan Devaiah humorously commented, “I thought it’s you in makeup,” while Dia Mirza and Zoya Akhtar showed their support with affectionate emojis.
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The voting day saw Maharashtra participate in Phase 5 of the Lok Sabha elections. In a video circulating online Ranveer and Deepika Padukone, who are soon to become parents, navigated through a crowd of enthusiastic paparazzi. Ranveer held Deepika’s hand. Both were dressed in matching outfits, with crisp white shirts and blue denim jeans. Deepika, publicly showcasing her baby bump for the first time, cradled it gently and smiled warmly for the cameras.
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On the professional front, Ranveer Singh is nearing the completion of Singham Again and is rumoured to be working on a new project titled Rakshas. Directed by Prasanth Varma, known for the superhero film HanuMan, this mythological film set in pre-Independence India will see Singh in a complex and morally ambiguous role.
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