The trailer of Chandu Champion was launched with a lot of fanfare last Saturday at Gwalior, lead actor Kartik Aaryan’s hometown. The trailer caught the attention and moviegoers instantly recognized most of the actors depicted in the promo besides Kartik. But an actress shown for a few seconds left everyone wondering who she was. The way her scene is presented – she is seen clapping for Kartik who in turn smiles at her gesture – made people believe that she is the love interest and probably the female lead in the film. However, her identity was not unveiled either in the trailer description or anywhere else by the film’s team.
Bollywood Hungama, however, has learned about this mystery girl in Chandu Champion. She is Bhagyashri Borse, a model turned actress. She was seen last year in a small role in Yaariyan 2 (2023). In this film, she played the role of Raajlaxmi, the former girlfriend of Abhay Singh Katyal (Abhay Singh Katyal) who dies in an accident. A few months after the release of Yaariyan 2, she bagged the Telugu film, Mr Bachchan, co-starring Ravi Teja. Her association with the film was announced in a grand way by the makers. Of late, there have been reports that she might star in Vijay Deverakonda’s next, VD12.
Bhagyashri Borse has not kept her Chandu Champion association a secret and has also made it clear that she has a special appearance. Her pinned post on Instagram is that of the film. The caption reads ‘This special appearance has my heart… Can’t wait for you all to watch the magic on the big screen on the 14th of June’. She even commented on one of the posts uploaded by Kartik Aaryan on Chandu Champion. Kartik replied to her with equal warmth.
Directed by Kabir Khan and produced by Sajid Nadiadwala, Chandu Champion is inspired by the life of Murlikant Petkar. It is all set to release on June 14.
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The post REVEALED: Meet Bhagyashri Borse, the mystery girl who features in Kartik Aaryan-starrer Chandu Champion appeared first on Bollywood Hungama.
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