The Bollywood- Cricket power couple Anushka Sharma and Virat Kohli have been winning hearts and Virushka fans cannot seem to get over their love. While the couple recently posed together for a Sports Honors night that was held in suburban Mumbai, we saw the much-in-love couple laughing and having fun as they made their way to the Dior Fashion Show that was held in Gateway of India on Friday evening. Besides sharing some picture perfect moments from their photoshoot together, Anushka took to social media to give us a glimpse into their real selves by posting pictures of their candid moments.
After sharing a series of photos featuring Anushka Sharma and Virat Kohli looking trendy and glamorous in their power poses, the actress posted another set of photos in monochrome and colour tones which included some BTS moments from their photoshoot at the Dior Fashion Show. The post started with a set of black-and-white photos which included the couple laughing and talking as they walk down to the venue with the backdrop of the Taj Hotel. Along with that, some makeup moments and some blooper-fun moments were also a part of the post. Commenting on the post, Virat dropped a heart emoji to shower his love on his wife.
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Virushka fans went gaga over the post and couldn’t stop from dropping comments on it. “King & Queen in their royal kingdom,” captioned one of their fans. Yet another user said, “Itna pyaar karne wali toh mein bhi deserve krta hu (Even I deserve someone who loves me so much)”. One of the fans commented, “Just two beautiful people together,” whereas another one called it, “Virushka Supremacy”.
On the work front, while Virat Kohli will be focusing on the IPL 2023 that kicked off in Ahmedabad last evening, with the matches continuing until May 28, 2023, Anushka Sharma is gearing up for her film Chakda Xpress in which she will be playing the role of real-life female cricketer Jhulan Goswami.
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