Filmmaker and producer Karan Johar has candidly revealed that he has paid people for saying positive things for his ‘average’ films while in a conversation with Galatta Plus. The head honcho of Dharma Productions also said that he has had to do this because of the negativity being spread about his movies through warring fan clubs and those eager to go viral on the internet.
Karan told Galatta Plus as reported by Indian Express, “If you notice, those people who do those vox pops outside cinemas, the ones who are walking up to talk are all wanting to say the most sensational things. The real audience has slipped out and gone away. But some people are giving loud reactions because they want to go viral. Now, to go viral, they’re f*****g us.”
Karan added, “But sometimes, we also as PR send our own people to praise the film, that also happens.” The rest of the panellists were stunned at the candid revelation, as reported by Indian Express. To this, Karan explained, “See, sometimes you’re also struggling to make a mark. As a producer, you will make every last-ditch attempt to make your film be heard. So, while I may critique criticism, I’m also riding on their backs when they praise a film… I change with every film. Some films work on their own, so I can take the high ground and stay quiet. Some films are average, so we need to give the impression that they’re doing better than they actually are.”
Karan also revealed that if a film of his is doing well at the box office, he refrains from giving interviews as he doesn’t need them. “It’s the middle order film that you have to fight for, that you have to create an aura and energy around… It’s a very interesting exercise,” he added.
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