Bollywood filmmaker Sajid Khan, who faced numerous sexual harassment allegations during the #MeToo movement in 2018, has opened up about the subsequent struggles he has endured. In a recent interview, Khan revealed that he contemplated suicide “many times” in the past six years due to the significant impact on his career and personal life.
“Extremely Bad” Times
Khan shared that the fallout from the #MeToo allegations has been deeply challenging. “I thought of ending my life many times in the last 6 years. It’s been extremely bad, in the sense that I’ve been out of work, despite getting a clearance from the Indian Film and Television Directors Association (IFTDA). I’m trying to get back on my feet,” Sajid confessed.
Sajid Khan Speaks About Financial Hardship
The lack of work has had a severe financial impact on Khan. He revealed that he was forced to sell his house and relocate to a rented property due to mounting financial pressures. ” I was 14 when I started earning because my dad (actor, producer, and director, Kamran Khan) passed away, leaving me and (my sister) Farah (Khan Kunder, filmmaker and choreographer) with debts. Today, I wish my mum was alive (Menaka Irani died in 2024) to see me try to get back on my feet. More than her son, I was her caretaker. Life has been quite tough.”
Past Behavior and Regret
Khan acknowledged that his past behavior, particularly during his early career in television, contributed to the negative perceptions surrounding him. “I used to say sensational things just to make headlines,” he admitted. “Because I was so brash, I rubbed people the wrong way.” He expressed remorse for his past actions and stated that he has since mellowed down, stating that his current desire to work and survive.
Background of Accusations
In 2018, several women, including Aahana Kumra, Sherlyn Chopra, Mandana Karimi, and Saloni Chopra, accused Sajid Khan of sexual harassment.
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