Bollywood couple Sidharth Malhotra and Kiara Advani tied the knot in Jaisalmer on February 7. After a grand reception in Delhi, the couple also hosted a function in Mumbai last evening. While numerous Bollywood celebs attended the reception to congratulate the couple, South sensation Ram Charan and the team of RC15, which also stars Kiara Advani as the female lead, surprised the couple with a special video.
Speaking of the video, Ram Charan along with the crew of RC15, choreographer Ganesh Acharya, director S Shankar and producer Dil Raju can be heard screaming, “Dear Kiara and Sidharth, wish you a very happy married life.” Post that, the entire team can be seen splashing flower petals.
Reacting to the same, Kiara took to her Instagram story session and shared the video with her fans. Meanwhile, she also penned a short yet sweet note for Ram and the rest of the team. “This is the sweetest surprise for us,” wrote Advani and added, “Feeling the love,” followed by a red heart emoji. She thanked the actor, the director, the producer, the choreographer and the “amazing” RC15 team.
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For the unversed, in the upcoming film, RC15, Kiara will reunite with Ram Charan after Vinaya Vidheya Rama, which was released in 2019. In November 2022, Ram announced the schedule wrap for the film. Backed by producer Dil Raju in collaboration with Sirish under the banner of Sri Venkateswara Creations, besides Ram and Kiara, the film will also feature S J Suryah, Anjali, Jayaram, Sunil, Srikanth, and Naveen Chandra in other key roles. The makers are yet to announce the release date of the film.
On the other hand, speaking of Kiara’s professional front, she has a bunch of projects in her kitty, including Satyaprem Ki Katha opposite Kartik Aaryan, which is slated to release on June 29.
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