Filmmaker Anurag Kashyap, currently promoting his new web series Bad Cop, shared a surprising story during a recent interview. Kashyap, who has also taken on acting duties for the series, revealed a past incident that landed him in jail for a night.
A Night Behind Bars for a Mishap
In a conversation with Samay Raina on his YouTube channel, the filmmaker confessed, “Yes, I have gone to jail. I slapped the wrong person. Somebody you are not supposed to hit. I was in jail for a night. The man who put me in the lock-up is the same guy who changed my life completely. He was the one who brought me out.”
While Kashyap refrained from disclosing specific details of the incident, both his co-star Gulshan Devaiah and the interviewer expressed surprise upon hearing the story. It is worth mentioning here that this isn’t the first time Anurag has spoken about an encounter with law enforcement.
When Anurag Kashyap Was in Jai in Saudi Arabia
Last year, while promoting his film Almost Pyaar with DJ Mohabbat, Kashyap recounted another incident on Unfiltered by Samdish. He described being arrested in Saudi Arabia for public intoxication. The filmmaker explained how a cancelled flight due to volcanic ash and exhaustion led him to drink wine at the airport lounge. He then boarded the plane heavily inebriated, leading to his arrest upon landing in Saudi Arabia.
Coming to the professional front, Anurag Kashyap’s recent projects extend beyond his acting role in Bad Cop. He also appeared in the Tamil film Maharaja, starring Vijay Sethupathi.
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